Early Bird Ends July 26!

Continuing Education

Earn Credits to Maintain Your Credentials

The icing on the conference cake: while you’re connecting with peers and absorbing all of the need-to-know equity updates, you can also earn credits for your CLE, CPE, or CEP.
Specific credit hour opportunities, including amounts, are included within each session listing. Please note that there is a $100 administrative charge for CPE credits (CLE and continuing education credits for CEP purposes are offered at no additional cost).

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in various states will be available for session attendance. 

Certified Equity Professional (CEP)

Certified Equity Professionals (CEPs) may earn continuing education credit for attendance at the Conference. CEPs must keep their own records of their attendance, including the specific sessions attended, so they can report this information to the CEP Institute when required.
The following maximum credit amounts are available through conference programming:
  • A max of 12 credit hours via conference sessions. CPE credit amounts that can be earned for each session are noted within session descriptions. Please reference this information when deciding which sessions to attend. 
  • A max of 2.75 credit hours each via pre-conference boot camps (IPO Readiness Bootcamp and Global Plan Design Bootcamp.
  • A max of 6.5 credit hours via the Proxy Disclosure Conference.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) will be eligible to receive Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.
Maximum Credit
The following maximum credit amounts are available through conference programming:
  • A max of 13 credit hours via conference sessions. CPE credit amounts that can be earned for each session are noted within session descriptions. Please reference this information when deciding which sessions to attend. 
  • A max of 3 credit hours each via pre-conference boot camps (IPO Readiness Bootcamp and Global Plan Design Bootcamp.
Fields of Study
The fields of study included in the program are Accounting, Business Law, Communications and Marketing, Personal Development, Personnel/Human Resources, Specialized Knowledge, Taxes.
Instructional Method, Program Knowledge Levels, Pre-Requisites, and Advance Preparation
The instructional method is group-live. When the full program is released, the program levels for sessions at the Conference will be indicated in each session description, with the following designations:
  • Foundational (F): Sessions designated as Foundational correspond to NASBA’s Basic knowledge level. These sessions have no prerequisites and are designed for individuals new to the topic or those with limited experience.

  • Intermediate (I): Intermediate sessions build upon topics discussed in the basic program and are suited for individuals with three to five years’ experience in the field of commensurate education.

  • Advanced (A): Advanced sessions are most useful for individuals with more than five years’ experience or commensurate education in the designated topic. These sessions focus on the development of in-depth or specialized knowledge.

No advance preparation is required for any sessions.
Add-On Registration Required
There is a $100 administrative fee for CPE credits. This fee covers costs the NASPP incurs for recordkeeping procedures required by NASBA.
NASBA Statement
The National Association of Stock Plan Professionals is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: https://www.NASBARegistry.org.

Additional Information

For questions or comments, please contact contact us.